TIT# Crystallization of Blends of Polypropylene and Arkon P AUT# Zachmann, H. G.; Egge, R.; Stribeck, N. SOU# 1. Dresdener Polymerdiskussion: Polymer Blends. Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (1986), 1,144-156 LOC# xv003 @selbst.ftx CLA# COM# APP# MAT# ABS# The crystallization and melting behavior of blends of polyproplylene and the cycloaliphatic hydrocarbon Arkon P 125 produced by the company Arakawa Forest Chemical Industries Ltd. is reported. It is shown that the rate of crystallization of polypropylene is increased by the presence of small amounts of Arkon (up to 20%). Probably, the polypropylene chains have a higher mobility when dissolved in Arkon. If the amount of arkon is 40 and 60%, the rate of crystallization decreases due to the longer distances the polypropylene chainse have to diffuse in order to form crystals.