TIT# Chemical modification of styrene-butadiene block copolymers AUT# Ghioca, P.; Buzdugan, E.; Iovu, M. C.; Badea, E. G.; Stribeck, N. SOU# Mater. Plast. (1998), 35, 45-50 LOC# xv044 @selbst.ftx CLA# COM# APP# MAT# ABS# Ionomers with $-NH_3\}^+X^-$ groups have been synthesized by chemical modification of some commercial radial styrene-butadiene block copolymers. The method includes bromination of polybutadiene blocks by addition of elemental bromine to the double bonds, followed by quaternarization with triethylamine of brome-derivative. The quaternalization is practically total, according to IR spectra. The ionomer anion-exchange capacity is relatively close to the theoretical values. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and mechanical studies were performed on the ionomers as well.