TIT# SAXS observations of the crystallization of polyolefines from the melt AUT# Almendarez Camarillo, Armando; Stribeck, Norbert; SOU# Fibr. Text. EE (2005), in print LOC# xv093 CLA# COM# APP# MAT# ABS# In-situ experiments on the nanostructure evolution during the oriented crystallization of polyolefines (polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP)) from a highly oriented melt have been carried out by means of synchrotron radiation and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The general options of data analysis are demonstrated using good data recorded in a study of PE. Mainly we report on the oriented crystallization of PP from the melt. We report the conditions, under which oriented crystallization is observed. While in our studies of PE we generally observed two-point diagrams, there are processing conditions for PP under which a peculiar four-point diagram is observed with the first two reflections on the meridian and the last two on the equator. On the other hand, a similarity is observed. Under isothermal crystallization conditions only during the first minutes extended crystalline lamellae are formed, whereas the crystallites formed later remain small. The orientation memory of PP is found to strongly depend on the melt temperature. Its dependence on melt annealing time is low. Because of instrumental problems at beam line BW4, HASYLAB Hamburg our data are too noisy to be used for a quantitative analysis by application of the multidimensional chord distribution function (CDF) method.