TIT# Nanostructure Evolution in Polypropylene During Mechanical Testing AUT# Stribeck, Norbert; Nöchel, Ulrich; Funari, Sérgio S.; Schubert, Tom; Timmann, Andreas; SOU# Macromol. Chem. Phys. (2008), ~, submitted LOC# xv107 CLA# COM# APP# MAT# ABS# We monitor slow mechanical tests of highly oriented, hard-elastic polypropylene by in situ X-ray scattering. For the analysis two-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) patterns are combined. Direction of strain is the normal to the crystalline lamellae of the polymer. The scattering patterns are transformed into a representation of nanostructure in real space. This is the multidimensional cord distribution function (CDF). From the CDF topological parameters of the semicrystalline nanostructure are extracted and discussed in conjunction to the mechanical data. In a continuous-strain experiment we observe fracture of an ensemble of weak lamellae into blocks already at an elongation of 2%. These blocks are completely dissolved during further stretching up to 10% (yield point). At higher elongations we observe continuous transformation from crystalline lamellae into an ensemble of rigid needles with 8 nm thickness. The material breaks, as all the lamellae are consumed. In a fatigue test a load-reversal experiment is carried out between elongations of 10% and 35%. At the beginning of every straining branch strain-induced crystallization generates extended lamellae until a stress of 20 MPa is reached. Thereafter breakup of the lamellae sets in. In the further course of the straining branch an unclear superposition of various mechanisms is observed (e.g. the melting of weak blocks as well as the strain crystallization of new and strong blocks). In the relaxation branch of each load cycle we first observe fast relaxation-induced melting, which is continuously slowing down.