TIT# Quasiperiodicity in the nanoscopic morphology of some polyurethanes AUT# Stribeck, Norbert; Li, Xuke; Eling, Berend; P”selt, Elmar; in 't Veld, Pieter J.; SOU# J. Appl. Cryst. (2015), 48(2), 313-317 LOC# xv147 CLA# COM# doi:10.1107/S1600576715000874 APP# MAT# ABS# Discrete small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of soft matter generates a broad long-period peak related to distorted periodicity. In a special class of polyurethanes under varying strain a sequence of constant long-period bands is observed. The band positions form a Fibonacci sequence. This relates to the underlying chemical synthesis by polyaddition and indicates quasiperiodicity in sequences of stringed hard domains. These almost quasiperiodic sequences appear to be the probes provided by SAXS for the study of morphology evolution in such elastomers. Should a regular-as-possible arrangement of physical crosslinks optimize a property of the elastomer, then in the synthesis the number fraction $n_H$ of hard segments should be chosen $ n_{H}=\tau/\left(1+\tau\right)\approx0.62$. $\tau$ is the golden ratio.